Skin care for impure skin

  • 3 min reading time

Impure skin : a problem that occurs often and about which we regularly receive questions. Time for a blog post with the tips and tricks to take care of problem skin. Impurities do not only occur in adolescents, adults also have to deal with them. No less than 90% of the population (sometimes) suffers from pimples, for example. So nothing to be ashamed of! It takes some time, but with the help of the tips below, your impurities will soon disappear like snow in the sun!

Impure skin : a problem that occurs often and about which we regularly receive questions. Time for a blog post with the tips and tricks to take care of problem skin. Impurities do not only occur in adolescents, adults also have to deal with them. No less than 90% of the population (sometimes) suffers from pimples, for example. So nothing to be ashamed of! It takes some time, but with the help of the tips below, your impurities will soon disappear like snow in the sun!

Different types of impurities

We often use the term 'impurities', but what do we mean by this? There are different types of impurities and they all require different care. In this blog post, we cover the three most common blemishes, namely: large pores , blackheads and acne .

Large pores and blackheads

Do you suffer from large pores, for example on your nose, chin or cheeks? Then it is advisable to use products that are rich in acids. That sounds scarier than it is, promise! Coarse pores and blackheads go hand in hand, because when your pores are enlarged, there is a good chance that you will get visible blackheads.

Blackheads arise because you have an increased sebum production or because a layer of dead skin cells clog your pores. The result is that sebum continues to accumulate under the dead skin cells, causing you to get blackheads.

Back to the acids we talked about earlier, acids like salicylic acid (also known as BHA) and niacinamide can exfoliate your skin in a non-harmful way, eliminating dead skin cells. This will prevent sebum from accumulating and reduce your blackheads.


Acne is another word for pimples. Pimples can appear anywhere: Teens often experience breakouts on their T-zone (chin, nose, and forehead), while adults often suffer from pimples on the chest, back, and cheeks. The aforementioned acids also work for acne. It is also important to keep your pores clean with acne. You can also use Tea Tree Oil for acne, this is very anti-inflammatory and ensures clean skin.

Spend time on your skincare routine

Impure skin often does not disappear overnight, unfortunately. So look for products that suit your skin type . Match products that make up a complete routine, such as a cleanser , toner , serum , and cream . Treat yourself once a week with a delicious facial mask , so that your skin is intensively cared for. When you have found the right products, you will notice that your skin looks healthier again!

Recommended products

Sometimes it's a matter of trying, because what works for one person may make little difference for another. Fortunately, we have a wide range of skincare for impure skin. For example, you can use a product with Niacinamide, this tackles all your impurities in one go. To effectively combat stubborn blackheads, you can use a toner that targets these unwanted friends.

Do you have a pimple that you would like to quickly cover and treat? Then pimple patches are the solution for you. You place these patches on a pimple, making it less visible. While you are wearing the patch, the pimple will be treated and it will disappear quickly!

To ask? Reassure them!

Are you lost in skincare land? Don't worry, we're happy to help! Speak to our experts in the chat on the site and we'll be happy to help you find the right products for your skin.

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