Hand Care
Pampering for your hands!
Your hands are sometimes heavy. All day long in inclement or cold weather, or always wash with soap and disinfection gel. That makes them very dry. So your hands deserve some pampering! Use mask gloves or an overnight hand mask for this. Do you also want to spoil your hands a little during the day? Then use a moisturizing cream.
Get rid of dry hands!
Different creams and masks
Masks are not only for your face, but also for your hands! Simply put your hands in the mask gloves . After 15 to 20 minutes your baby will have soft hands. You can also go for an overnight mask , so that you wake up in the morning with soft and hydrated hands. For hydration throughout the day, use a moisturizing cream or a hand lotion.
Buy hand care at Boozyshop
After reading this text we will know for sure. You feel like an evening of relaxation! Then use a mask especially for your hands. Use the mask gloves while watching your favorite series, or apply an overnight mask just before going to sleep. Did you order for more than 35 euros? Then you can choose a free gift in our gift system. Reason enough to order quickly right?!