
If you place an order on weekdays before 8:00 PM, it will be shipped the same day. If you order on Saturday or Sunday before 5:00 PM, your order will be packed on Sunday, so it's super fast!

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an email from us with your tracking code. This way, you can track your order to see when and what time your package will be delivered to your home.

Country Shipping Costs Free Shipping from
Netherlands €4.49 €40,-
Belgium €4.95 €50,-
Germany €6.95 €60,-
France €6.95 €60,-
Austria €7,95 €100,-
Italy €8,95 €100,-
Spain €9,95 €100,-
United Kingdom €9,95 €100,-
Bulgaria €23,95 €200,-
Denmark €12,95
Finland €13,95 €150,-
Greece €19,95 €200,-
Ireland €13,95 €150,-
Kroatië €19,95 €200,-
Letland €13,95 €150,-
Lithuania €17,95 €200,-
Luxembourg €9,95 €100,-
Portugal €11,95 €150,-
Slovenia €19,95


Czech Republic €9,95 €100,-
Sweden €17,95 €200,-


Orders placed on weekdays before 20:00 will be shipped the same day. We also ship on Sundays. If you order before 5:00 PM, your order will be shipped the same day.

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an email from us with your tracking code.