Why use SPF, will I still get a tan?

  • 1 min reading time
Waarom SPF

You want a nice summery tan, brown that is...not red! So you don't want this to be at the expense of your skin. But will I get a tan if I protect myself with SPF ? The answer to that question my dear, is YES!

Protect and still get a tan

Yes, this just happens! It is often thought that when you apply sunscreen you will not or will not tan as quickly. But that is not what SPF does. SPF ensures that you can stay in the sun longer without burning your skin. Of course, you should always be careful, because the strength of the sun also plays a role in this. This depends on the time of day and can change during the day. Therefore, keep a close eye on this.

The higher the factor, the whiter I will stay?

No! As I mentioned above, SPF extends the time you can stay in the sun without burning. How quickly you normally burn depends on your skin. If you have very light skin, you usually can't stay in the sun for that long without it quickly turning red. The height of the factor multiplies the time in which you would burn without sunscreen . If your skin starts to glow after 10 minutes, then with factor 50 you can last 500 minutes without turning into a lobster ;-).

Buuu ...

So sun worshippers...YES, even with SPF you can still work on your summertan! The higher the factor, the longer you can sit in the sun. All myths are out the window, so protect your skin well for your own good :-).

Curious about our entire sunscreen range? Shop here --->> SPF

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