Enter the enchanting world of Skinfood - the beloved Korean brand known for their 'Delicious Cosmetics Made from Delicious Food'. They truly believe that what's good for your body can also do wonders for your skin. Skinfood extracts nourishing oils, antioxidants, and other natural goodness from grains, vegetables, fruits, and other wholesome foods to create a radiant skincare line that celebrates the power of wholesome ingredients!
The natural ingredients
Skinfood is a pioneer in merging the benefits of healthy food with skin care. Their diverse range of products feature simple formulas, carefully composed of nutritious elements from nature. They embrace the philosophy that good food leads to healthy beauty and a radiant complexion. Skinfood’s nutritional approach inspires their product development, using only the highest quality food ingredients for a more beautiful and healthy lifestyle!
Buy skinfood at Boozyshop
We at Boozyshop are very excited that this fantastic skincare is now available from us! Do you have any questions about certain products, or are you unsure which product suits you best? Talk to us in the chat and we will be happy to help you!
The advantage of ordering skincare from Boozyshop? For orders over 35 euros you can even choose a gift, isn't that fun?! Have fun (K-beauty) shopping with the skincare from Skinfood!